Poštovani/-e autori/-ce,

Naredni broj Historijskih traganja (br. 23/2024.), časopisa Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Instituta za historiju, biće posvećen povijesti ženskog roda i društva/-ava u Bosni i Hercegovini i regiji, u tematski najširem smislu. Stoga Vas pozivamo da dostavite priloge – znanstvene radove, kritičke osvrte, prikaze, intervjue (oral history) – koji će se odnositi na: povijesne procese koji su dovodili do promjene položaja žene/-a unutar porodičnog, legislativnog, društveno-političkog, ideološkog okvira i mainstream diskurzivnih praksi, (način i proces) (iz)gradnje profesionalnih niša za žene u javnom i društvenom prostoru, životnu svakodnevnicu žena, njihove povijesne društvene prakse, njihovo učešće u ideološkim, političkim, kulturnim i vjerskim pokretima, učešće u ratu i primjeni ratnog nasilja, kao i na vrste nasilja koje su se, kako u ratu tako i u miru, prelamale preko ženskog života i tijela, itd.

S obzirom da je ovo prvi broj časopisa Instituta koji će biti posvećen temama rodne povijesti važno nam je da prilozi koje pošaljete budu kvalitetni, informativni, raznovrsni, metodološki i teorijski potkrijepljeni, konceptualno inovativni i intelektualno provokativni. Komparativni i interdisciplinarni pristup u obradi povijesti ženskog društva/-ava u Bosni i Hercegovini i regiji je, također, dobrodošao.

Časopis Historijska traganja indeksiran je u EBSCO Publishing i Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL). Molimo autore/-ice da se obavezno pridržavaju Uputa autorima/-cama.

Krajnji rok za dostavljanje radova je 31. 7. 2024. godine.

Radovi se dostavljaju elektronskim putem na adresu htraganja@iis.unsa.ba koja Vam stoji na raspolaganju za sve dodatne informacije.

Autori/-ce čiji radovi budu prihvaćeni za objavljivanje, potpisat će izjavu o autorstvu i originalnosti rada (pdf).



Dear authors,

Next issue of Historical searches (no. 23/2024), will be dedicated to the history of female gender and society/societies in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. Therefore, we invite you to submit papers, (critical) reviews, interviews (oral history) related to: historical processes that have impacted the transformation of woman’s position within family and legislative, socio-political, ideological framework, mainstream discursive practices; furthermore, papers that will treat (ways and processes of) building professional niches for women in the public and social space, their everyday life, their historical social practices, their participation in ideological, political, social, cultural and religious movements, in war and the perpetration of war violence, and that will refer as well to the various types of violence that were applied to women’s life and body in war and in the peace.

Considering that this is the first issue of the Institute’s journal that will be dedicated exclusively to the topics of gender history, it is important to us that the contributions you decide to submit are diverse, conceptually innovative, and intellectually provocative. We welcome the comparative and interdisciplinary approaches as well in the treatment of the history of women’s society in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.

The journal Historical Searches is indexed in EBSCO Publishing and Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL). We kindly ask authors to follow the Instructions to Authors.

The deadline for submission of papers is the end of July, 2024.

Papers are submitted electronically to htraganja@iis.unsa.ba and this email remains at your disposal for any further information.

Authors of accepted papers will sign the Statement on Authorship and Originality of the Paper (pdf).