The journal Historical Searches of the Institute of History, University of Sarajevo publishes the following categories of articles:
- original scientific papers
- previous communications
- review papers
- professional papers
- historical materials
- book reviews
The category of the paper is proposed by the author, and the final decision is made by the Editorial Board in consultation with the reviewers.
Manuscript equipment
The papers should contain:
- title of the paper
- first and last name of the author
- name of the institution and address
- e-mail address
- abstract and keywords
- abstract and keywords in English
- text with footnotes
- conclusion
- list of sources and literature
The paper should be written in Times New Roman font, size 12 pt and line spacing 1.5, while footnotes should be written in size 10, and line spacing is single. The paper should not exceed 32 text cards (one consists of 1800 characters with spaces).
The papers are subject to double anonymous review, whereby the identity of neither the author nor the reviewers is revealed. Only those works that receive two positive reviews and for which the Editorial Board makes a final decision on publication are published.
Authors of published works receive two copies of Historical Searches.
Citing archival funds
Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: ABiH), Fund: Government of the People’s Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1945–1953. (hereinafter: VLBiH, Fund: VNRBiH), box 15, call number 123/46
State Archives of Dubrovnik (hereinafter: DAD), Diversa Cancellariae, XXXI, 62v.
Turkiye Cümhüriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlı Arşiv (hereinafter: BOA), Fond: Maliyeden Müdevver (MAD.d): 560, 768, 1399, 2467, 3420, 4718, 10172, 16064.
Other unpublished original material should be cited according to the usual rules.
Citing books
Ibrahim Kemura, Narodna uzdanica, Sarajevo: Bosnian Institute, Institute for History, 2003, 51-66. (With the page number, do not use the abbreviation str. or s., but just write the page number).
Ibid., 79.
When the same work is cited again in the text elsewhere, the abbreviated title should be used, for example:
I. Kemura, Narodna uzdanica, 52.
Citing articles
Ibrahim Karabegović, “U povodu četrdesetogodišnjice postojanja i rada Instituta za istoriju”, in: Contributions, Sarajevo: Institute of History, 2000, no. 29, 39-44.
Ibid., 40.
When the same article is cited again in the text elsewhere, the abbreviated title should be used, for example:
I. Karabegović, “U povodu četrdesetogodišnjice”, 42.
Citing contributions in books or collections of works
Boris Nilević, “Srednjovjekovna Bosna i Osmansko carstvo”, in: Bosnia and Herzegovina and the World, Collection of Works, Sarajevo: Institute of History, 1996, 65-74.
When the same contribution is cited again in the text elsewhere, the abbreviated title should be used, for example:
B. Nilević, “Srednjovjekovna Bosna”, 68.
Citing newspapers
“Branko Mikulić: Kako sam vladao Bosnom. Tito nas nije saslušavao”, Naši dani, br. 970, 23. 6. 1989, 36-39.
Citing sources from the World Wide Web
“Grad Sarajevo, Jedinstven informacioni sistem grada Sarajeva”, 25. 2. 1999, available at: / (accessed 2. 3. 2020)
The paper should contain a list of unpublished and published sources and a list of books and articles used.
For example:
Archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina (ABiH), Sarajevo, Fund: Central Committee of the SKBiH
Historical Archives of Sarajevo (HAS), Sarajevo, Fund: Sarajevo City Assembly ZOI ‘84
Turkiye Cümhüriyeti Cumhurbaşkanlığı Devlet Arşivleri Başkanlığı Osmanlığı Arşivi (BOA), Istanbul, Republic of Turkey, Fund: Maliyeden Müdevver (MAD.d): 560, 768, 1399, 2467, 3420, 4718, 10172, 16064.
Younis, Hana, Od dućana do pozorišta: Sarajevska trgovačka elita 1851–1878, Sarajevo: Institute of history, 2017.
Aličić, Ahmed, “Desetina u Bosni polovinom XIX vijeka”, in: Contributions, Sarajevo: Institute of History, 1980, vol. 16, no. 17, 129-174.
Unpublished works
Krušelj, Željko, Polet od omladinskog aktivizma do političkog eskapizma (1976. – 1990.), (defended doctoral dissertation – unpublished), Zagreb: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Philosophy Department of History, 2015.
Internet sources
Burić, Feđa, Becoming Mixed. Mixed Marriages of Bosnia-Herzegovina during the Life and Death of Yugoslavia, Dissertation, Urbana, Illinois: University of Illinois, 2012, dostupno na: (accessed: 24. 6. 2019).
Quality control
All submitted texts are subject to double-blind peer review, which means that the reviewers do not know who the author of the text they are reviewing is, and the authors do not have access to information about who the reviewers of their texts are.
After publication, the Institute of History retains the rights of publication together with the author, which means that if the author or the Institute wishes to republish the text, they must notify the other party of this and state in the republished text that it is published with the permission of the author or the Institute.
Plagiarism Prohibition
By submitting a text to Historical Searches, the author guarantees that the text is original, has not been published anywhere, nor has it been offered to any other journal. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the rejection of the text and special attention from the Editorial Board when submitting future articles by the same author. After accepting the work for publication, the authors sign a statement of authorship and originality.