Each author, when submitting the manuscript, agrees to the review process. The standard review procedure, i.e. double-blind review is performed by the editor-in-chief. This type of review implies that the identity of the authors and reviewers is not revealed. Reviewers for evaluating papers are chosen by the editor-in-chief and editorial staff of the magazine. Each paper is sent for a minimum of two reviews, and if necessary, the paper can be subjected to a third review in case the paper talks about several periods/areas or if there were different grades or categorizations in the two previous reviews. Reviews are made on previously prepared forms for reviewers. According to the categorization published in the public call for receiving and submitting papers, the author proposes a specific categorization of the article, which the reviewers can accept or propose a new one. In case of possible suggestions or criticisms from the reviewers or editor-in-chief, the author will apply them in his work. Ultimately, the journal only publishes papers that receive two positive reviews.